Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wilson and his 14 points

I do not think that Wilson's fourteen points are realistic at all for multiple reasons. First of the obvious reason that he is tttempting to create peace with all of these nations that have completely different agendas, his points seem as if they are not comprimises at all. People and nations are extremely greedy and this will prevent the points about open seas or reallocation of imperialist colonial holdings or no post war vengence , from actually working. It would be lovely if all of the nations would just say that they will stop screwing each other over and no more secret treaties but again, nations disagree and they attempt to grow stronger and prosper, when they feel threatened they will take any action to stop the threat. By Wilson attempting to appeal to EVERYONE he created this magical world of peace which could never happened. Perhaps if Wilson didn't attempt to make everyone 100% happy by giving them a point, and rather had he comprimised on every subject then perhaps his 14 points would actually be valid and wouldnt have failed. [By failed I refer specifically to the League of Nations, which did fai.l] Therefore i believe that Wilson's points were not realistically applicable to the world.

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