Sunday, December 16, 2007

Foreign Power Intervention

The American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War were all significantly impacted by foreign intervention. The American Revolution had begun as a war between the colonists and Britain. The British had a large advantage over the colonists until France had joined in the war to help the colonists. Then after gaining new military reinforcements and support from France, the colonists were able to win. Then, in the War of 1812, the British were able to cause significant destruction to American holdings with the help of the Native Americans. One example of this was the destruction of Fort Dearborn by Chief Tecumseh’s men. Without the support of the natives, this war would have been strongly in favor of the Americans. Lastly, the Civil War was also strongly decided by the intervention/lack of intervention by foreign power. Foreign is defined as something (in this case someone) that exhibits different characteristics than the majority of things surrounding it. This means that the Civil War was decided because of the slave population intervention. The warring between the South and the slaves had caused an economical downfall for the south, thus disallowing the production of foodstuffs and the eventual collapse of their government. Also, the lack of British intervention on the South’s part had caused the North to be able to easily dominate the Confederate States since they lacked the necessary resources to win the war.

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