Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mob Actions

I believe that mob action is not justifiable. In the colonies themselves, the actions of the colonists was unjustifiable. The colonists had gone against the British, just as a child goes against their parent. Britain was the country that had created America, and helped shape it into what it was in the 1770s through its great sacrifice of bullion. Britain had paid for the colonization of the United States, and then expanded by Westward after which it paid soldiers to protect the colonists from Natives. In turn, they believe that the colonists should only pay a small fraction of the war costs - a fraction that did not even create an effect on them. They wanted to tax the colonists on the selling of cheaper tea, but because greed paid a major factor in the exploitation of Britain, the colonists rebelled. In this instance, rebellion is bad because the colonists were not fighting for civil rights since they were not in any immediate danger. Thus, it was unjustifiable for the colonists to use mob tactics.

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