Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rebellion and justification

I believe that a mob action is sometimes needed, but only if there is a true need for it and all other options have been exhausted. This was a case where many would agree that immediate action was needed, in a different method than those which have already failed to work. However, the colonies were founded for the economic benefit of Great Britain, most of the immigrants accepted this,but the future generation would be haunted by their ancestors decision. Even though most colonists did not think in the same way as the British, they had done nothing wrong, they were using the colonies the way they expected when the colonies were settled. My opinion on rebellion is not at all like the quote "rebellion is a great crime, unless it succeeds." I feel that is a humans right to fight for what they believe in and nobody can tell them otherwise. Rebellion should never be considered a crime, because if a rebellion fails, it is most likely that it had never caught on so it was never able to create an impact on the subject being rebelled against.

1 comment:

Max Gora said...

I disagree with your last comment, because if hundreds of people were killed in smaller battles, then shouldn't that be considered wrong?