Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Acquisition of Territories

The new acquisition of territories into the US greatly changed foreign policies with Britain, Canada, and Mexico, specifically. New territories also helped the economic growth in America, but furher disrupted political opposition and the opposition on issues such as slavery. The new Mexican regime didn't want slavery to continue in Texas, and once Texas became independent from Mexico, the Texans asked to be added to the US. Jackson, however, was torn between grouping them in the US and keeping them separate, specifically because of the issue on slavery. Adding Texas as US territory would spread the use of slavery in the South, however, many Southerners were for this, because they knew it abided by the Missouri Compromise. Also, the Oregon territory in the Northwest, helped the US stay on good terms with Canada and Britain, by deciding on a boarder and keeping land neutral, free for either country to use.

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