Sunday, December 2, 2007

Aggravate Hate or Ameliorate tolerate?

The Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act and Missouri Compromise all intended to alleviate tension over the growing slavery problem but instead of dealing with the problem (ameliorating) then and there, it was left to fester into a Civil conflict.
The Missouri Compromise, is quoted to have"ducked the question of slavery" but in fact it created more slavery by not outrightly abolishing it. Therefore sectional tension-especially economically-increased as the South attempted to gain a "one up" on the North. The Compromise of 1850, continued this theme, as the balance was upset once again economically as well as territorally. Because California was admitted as a free state, the South by default missed out on a chance to extend their slave states and boost their economy. Naturally they were annoyed, and tension increased. Both of these bills are exemplified in the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Sovereign popularity in these states allowed slavery, but it would have to be repealed because of the Missouri Compromise. In the end Northerners created the Republican party, whose main front was anti-Western slave state. Without saying this increased pre-Civil War tension.

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