Sunday, December 2, 2007

Aggravating the Slavery Issue

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850, and Missouri Compromise intended to repair division on the slavery issue, but ended up aggravating the matter. With both the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise, neither side was completely happy, but had the greatest impact leading up to the Civil War. The Missouri Compromise provided the South with Missouri allowed as a slave state, but besides the one exception, all states above the 36'30' line was to remain free. Maine was also allowed a free state, but neither the North nor the South was too happy. The MO Compromise was much like a Snoopy Band-Aid on a broken arm; the problem was not fixed, but covered up, and was bound to get worse. The Compromise of 1850 was more to the North's advantage, where California was declared a free state, which gave the North much more power.


simeonburke said...

I like the comparison Erin.

simeonburke said...

You said who the diff. compromises helped, but you didnt really say how it helped aggravate the slavery issue. Just a pointer.