Thursday, September 13, 2007

American Education

In today's American society, the education system is one that tries to correct wrong behaviors while still educating children. Though, in most cases, good behavior isn't a part of one's grade it is punished and taken note of. In elementary schools bad behavior is often noted, but not punished to the extent as it is in high school. In my high school experience, I have noticed that high schools punish children more severly than elementary and middle schools. But it seems that to do this during high school wouldn't change a child's behavior more so than just keep the misbehaved children out of school. So, all in all, there is morality in the school system to an extent but after a while it just seems that they're simply attempting to seperate misbehaved and well behaved children.


simeonburke said...

And the punishment nowadays has no effect on the student-what does in school do for anyone?

George Wilde said...

There are a lot of flaws in the punishment that is dealt. You cut enough classes, they take you out of class, cut MORE classes, they take you out of more class. Doesn't really make sense.