Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Immigration and The Great Awakening

Immigration contributed more to the development of a democratic society in Native America. Both immigration of various people and The Great Awakening caused controversy and progressions, but in the end immigration influenced democracy in the new world more. The Great Awakening caused disputes between those with newer religious ideas and those with more classic ones as well as provoking many church schisms at the time. On the other hand, mass immigration made America the melting pot of civilization, and immigrants being mostly lower or middle class could usually see eye to eye. With such an influx of new exotic ideas, religion, and peoples democracy was almost the only path to take in government without causing mass rebellions. However with such great good came some equally disruptive racial disputes. Overall though, the Great Awakening helped to bring Americans together realizing the potential of working towards a common goal, and immigration is the force the drove this ideal to the political systems created.

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