Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Immigration and the Great Awakening

Immigration helped increase diversity within the colonies, while the Great Awakening merely varied religious denominations, but both required a unified system of government that all could agree on, democracy. The Great Awakening’s new style of preaching alienated fundamentalists, which led to denominations splitting into even more sects, weakening the structures of even the more concentrated Churches. As a result, no one Church could really lay claim to control over one region. Therefore they needed to separate the Church and State to provide for common law. Similarly, immigration brought a flood of new ideas, customs, people, languages, and beliefs. There was no one unifying factor with the variety of denominations and dialects. The only way to keep the peace was to be fair with each other- the idea of equality. The best way to that was for people to be equal and united under a common law and government, democracy, as it let everyone have their own say.

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