Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What a Contradiction/Paradox/Consider Post

On a complete side note: America was a democratic diverse melting pot and each colonist (no matter what nationality) as Dan M. said, saw eye to eye. And yet slavery existed. "18th Century America was a shining land of equality and oppurtunity-with the exception of slavery" (85).

--------------------------------------------------------So..........Consider Post
Immigration had by far a greater effect on democratization than The Great Awakening. About 60% of Americans were European. Alot of these were Germans, Irish, and other groups not under allegiance to the Crown. This seems ludicrous as they have moved to a country and should abide by its rules: but the fact is, there were no real rules then, and the colonies were SO independent from the Crown. Therefore when the crown issued Acts like the "Molasses Act" "Americans bribed and smuggled" doing anything they could for their own good against a crown government that seemingly was not concerned about its colonies welfare. So having a mixture of immigrants in a country that is ruled from such a distance nation is a recipe for conflict. The people had to unite. In short this is shown through the declaration of independence, giving rights to ALL men (again as I said above the irony is that blacks and women were excluded) ...which may as well be written ALL immigrants. The influx of immigrants arriving in America caused conflict with the crown that unified the colonies, throwing aside race and embracing democracy.

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