Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Immigration & The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening in the 1730s-1740s contributed more to a democratic society than immigration of the 18th century . The large amounts of immigrants pouring into America during this time period, each bringing their beleifs, values, religions, and cultures, helped shape American culture. The large mix of people of different races, religions and backgrounds called for some sort of equal government, but this did not contribute as much to a democratic feeling of America. The immigration contributed more to cultural development than political. The Great Awakening, on the other hand, played more of a role in the development of democracy in America in that it created a feeling of unity and equality from shared experiences, and erased some of the cultural and social rifts between the differrent groups that were coming to America. Because all of the people had experienced this mass change in what was previously accepted, they were able to connect more on all levels and contribute to a democratic society.

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