Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ja. The Blog Thing: Unity of the Colonists by the eve of the American Revolution

For 2-3 years, colonists of America have been suffering a great deal of punishment by the British government, unifying their whole people as a rebel whole. Events such as governmental passing of "intolerable acts and taxing angered colonists who were trying to make a living in America.

The Revolution lasted over a century and a half and began when the first permanent English settlers set foot on the new continent. Over the years such a ferment had occurred in the thinking of colonists that the Revolution was completed in their minds before musketballs began to fly. The beginning of migration also caused the beginning of rebellion: one of the first events/acts that angered colonists in terms of unfairness was that the British government was losing money and America seemed bountiful. After they decided to give them taxes and all kinds of fun, many Americans began to sniff the strong scent of a conspiracy to strip them of their historic liberties. They lash back violently to destroy targets such as the Stamp Act. Eventually, actions by the British government led to revenge. They wanted to "teach the colonists a lesson" by sending redcoat soldiers over to seize goods such as gunpowder, tea, and other miscellaneous crates. This led to the Townshend Tea Tax, Boston Massacre, the infamous Intolerable Acts, and further battles erupted from it. Although many colonists languished governmental chaos, it brought the rebel colonists closer together, more dependable upon one another.

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