Tuesday, September 18, 2007

While imigration and the great awakining both contributed to the development of democracy in colonial america, the large influx of imigrants had more of an impact on the development of democracy. The Great Awakining did alot to unify America. This is simply because the Great Awakining was the first mass movment that had reached all of the colonies. Vast differencees in culturs and economys had prevented differnt colonies from interminglig but now with a comon emotional sensation sweaping the colonies a sense being part of a group began to devlope. This contribted to a democracy through breaking down barriers and alowing for larger governing bodies to develope; however imigration did much more. The large influx of imigrants created a much more diverse and complex society. With each distinct group wanting a say in how the goverment was being run a democracy was nessecary. Multipul bacgrounds and cultures prevented any real hierarchy from developing, in many of the colonies most of the people were considered equal which is a key aspect to a working democracy. These imigrants also had no loyalties to the english king and therefore had no issue with defying his decrees for the sake of a local goverment. Therefore the immigrants had a much more direct relation ship to the development of a democratic society than the great awakining.

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