Sunday, September 9, 2007

Unit question 4

In the recent years before Columbus’ discovery of the America’s, advances in nautical technology made the idea of a voyage of such distance to be even plausible. Two of the three boats in Columbus’ fleet, the Nina and the Pinta, were a type of vessel called the caravel. Henry the Navigator developed the caravel because he needed a ship that would be used for long distance exploration and trade. Another nautical advancement that made Columbus’ journey possible was the dry compass, which was invented around the year 1300 in Europe. Also, perhaps the most important of the nautical advances utilized by Columbus were rudimentary nautical charts. The compass and the charts used in unison made navigating by sea much easier. Ultimately, without the advances in nautical technology that happened within the 150 or so years before Columbus’ expedition, he would not have made it to the Americas, let alone have dreamt of searching for an alternate route to the Indies.

Sorry for the late post Ms. Chipman but i could not figure out how to post and i was freaking out and then i realized that after i had to make my new account i wasn't subscribed to this blog but i figured it out and now it's all good.

1 comment:

Ms. Chipman said...


You have lots of cause here, but little attention to the effect. The two should receive balanced treatment in your paragraph.